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  • 精品推荐—————瓷板画清明上河图

    发布时间: 2023-03-28 17:42首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    瓷板画是指在平素瓷板上使用特殊的化工颜料手工绘画、上釉,再经高温烧制而成的一种平面陶瓷工艺品 。瓷板画可装裱、或嵌入屏风中,作观赏用。瓷板画最早可追溯到秦汉时期,而真正意义上的“瓷板画”则出现在明代中期。从清中期开始,瓷板画的发展走向了兴盛。瓷板画品种多样,有青花、青花釉里红、五彩、素三彩、斗彩、粉彩、墨彩、浅绛彩等,图案内容涉及面广,包括人物、山水、花卉、虫鸟、鱼藻及吉祥图案等,形制则有长方、圆形、椭圆、多方。

    Porcelain plate painting refers to a planar ceramic handicraft made by using special chemical pigments to manually paint and glaze on plain porcelain plates, and then firing them at high temperatures. Porcelain plate paintings can be mounted or embedded in screens for ornamental purposes. Porcelain plate painting can be traced back to the Qin and Han Dynasties, while the true meaning of "porcelain plate painting" appeared in the mid Ming Dynasty. From the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the development of porcelain plate painting went towards prosperity. There are various types of porcelain plate paintings, including blue and white, underglaze red, multicolored, plain tricolor, doucai, pastel, ink color, and light crimson color. The design content covers a wide range, including characters, landscapes, flowers, insects, birds, fish, algae, and auspicious patterns. The shapes are rectangular, circular, elliptical, and multifaceted.


    Wang Dafan: Male (1888-1961), named Kun, also known as Xi Ping Jushi, also known as Yi Shan Qiao Zi, and named Xi Ping Thatched Cottage. He is a master of Chinese ceramic art. His ancestral home was Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. His ancestors fled the war and later moved to Yi County, Anhui Province. He was born in Huanggang Village, Boyang County, Jiangxi Province. Wang Dafan is a master of Chinese ceramic art, capable of poetry and good at traditional Chinese painting. One of the "Eight Friends of Zhushan Mountain" in Jingdezhen. In his early years, he worshipped Wang Xiaotang as his teacher, and his pastel colored characters, ladies, were greatly influenced by Wang Xiaotang. In his later years, he obtained the "Poems in Painting" volume by marine painter Ma Tao, and his composition and modeling were influenced by Ma Tao. Compared to Wang Qi's unrestrained and unrestrained style of painting, Wang Dafan appears disciplined and rigorous, with themes and scenery complementing each other. The characters in the painting are graceful, fresh in texture, and full of charm. He pioneered the "ground to ground pastel" painting method, which alternated in thickness and thickness and was also used as a work piece, inheriting and developing the traditional "light crimson" porcelain painting technique. The painting is rich and light, with distinct yin and yang, and vivid and lively spirit. Wang Dafan is an outstanding representative of the application of traditional Chinese painting art and poetry, calligraphy, painting, and printing to ceramic decoration. His nearly 1000 artistic works handed down fully reflect the artistic style of combining poetry with painting, painting with poetry, and poetry with painting. If his early works tell people a moving story with a paintbrush, his middle-aged works convey a sense of Zen, while his later works express a spiritual realm. Chinese painting masters such as Lin Fengmian, Pan Tianshou, Zhou Changgu, and Wu Shanming called Wang Dafan a "master of ceramic literati painting" with high artistic accomplishment. "If it weren't for the closed environment and lack of publicity in Jingdezhen at that time, Mr. Dafan's artistic attainments in figure painting could be comparable to those of everyone at sea.".

    本作品长:54cm,  宽21cm。  瓷版心是:长49cm宽16cm


    This work is 54cm long and 21cm wide. Porcelain plate core: 49cm long and 16cm wide

    Wang Dafan's works, whether large or small, can be said to be full of the beauty of artistic interest, artistic conception, and form of "literati painting.". Throughout Wang Dafan's lifetime of creation, the style and pursuit of his porcelain art, "literati painting," are all permeated by "appreciating both refined and popular tastes.". The lines used by Wang Dafan's pen are very powerful, similar to the traditional line drawing methods such as high ancient hairline drawing and iron line drawing. Most of them are center strokes, simple and clumsy, thick and round, with unique composition and decorative taste. This is the biggest difference between Wang Dafan and Wang Qi in using strokes to draw characters. "While imitation lines are difficult to learn from, they lack a mellow and forceful charm, and some use both the center and side edges, not to the point.". Facial portrayal. Wang Dafan portrays the faces of the characters with great delicacy, emphasizing changes in light and shade, including the sketch relationship and light and shadow changes in Western paintings. The halo dyeing technique is unique and has a strong three-dimensional sense. Wang's paintings of beautiful women are crowned with "red phoenix eyes" and "cherry mouth", which have distinctive characteristics and form a customary formula.


    The highest auction price for Wang Dafan's porcelain plate paintings in 2009 was only one million yuan. In 2011, the transaction price for a single screen of Wang Dafan's porcelain plate paintings soared to 9.2 million yuan, and the auction transaction price increased nearly 10 times in two years. This time, Wang Dafan's porcelain plate sold for nearly ten million yuan, sending a message to the market that the prices of works by artists such as "Eight Friends of Zhushan" in the same period as Wang Dafan will generally rise. In 2016, a 14.95 million yuan pastel hanging screen was sold in Kuangshi, Beijing, and was created by Wang Qi, Wang Dafan, and Wang Xiaotang. While accepting official kiln ware, collectors have turned their attention to modern literati porcelain paintings. This has made modern ceramics more and more attractive to collectors and has become a new hot spot for investment in the art market.


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