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  • 精品推荐------战国七雄货币

    发布时间: 2023-06-05 14:34首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    Boutique Recommendation - Warring States Seven Heroes Currency


    The coins of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States period only refer to the seven strongest feudal states during the Warring States period, namely Qin, Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei.


    At that time, the currency of Qi mainly consisted of knife coins: Jie Mo Dao, Qi Da Dao, Qi Ming Dao, and Yuan Qian. The coins of Chu mainly consist of copper coins, gold plates, and cloth coins (also known as ant nose coins and yuan gold); The currency of Yan mainly consists of knife coins, cloth coins, and round coins; In the history of Zhao, Wei, and Han, it is known as the Three Jin Dynasties, and their coins mainly include cloth coins and round coins. In addition, Zhao also minted knife coins. Finally, there is the currency of the State of Qin, the won coin.


    The characteristic of currency during this period is that the minting style often originated from bronze tools. Currencies circulating in different regions form their own systems, often with regional or weighty inscriptions, and their measurement units and forms vary, making the monetary system quite complex. In the late Warring States Period, due to the changes in politics and geography and the increasingly close economic exchanges between different regions, all kinds of currencies inevitably exceeded the currency area in circulation. Therefore, cloth coins and yuan coins were also minted in the Dao coin area, and cloth coins were also minted in the Chu coin area. The round coins and square hole round coins used in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River were the most advanced forms of coinage at that time, both tending towards round coins. The round coins minted by the state of Qin used the two major denominations of baht, which laid the foundation for the unification of currency forms in the future.

     我司近期征集了一套“战国七雄货币”,布币铲形,由农耕经济的农具“钱”、“镈”演变发展而来,这也是把货币称之为“钱”的缘故。“布”为“镈”的假借字。 布币的流通范围,主要在黄河中游农耕经济地区如韩国赵国魏国燕国等。布币的形状各异,种类繁多,一般都铸刻有文字,有纪年数的,有纪地名的,也有纪钱币名称的。王莽复古改制时曾铸造过布币。直到今天,人们仍然把布币视作中国钱币文化的象征,中国人民银行的行徽,是由三个金色的布币组成的一个"人"字形象,中国农业银行的行徽也是用布币和麦穗构成。在我国人民币的水印图案中,也可以看到布币的存在;刀币刀削形,起源于渔猎经济工具。主要流通在黄河流域的东部诸侯国如齐国燕国赵国。各国的刀币大小不同,形状各异,其中以齐国的刀币最为古朴精美。初期的刀币与削刀相似,后来,有的刀币铸有外廓,不仅显得美观,而且增强了钱币的牢固度,可以防止钱文的磨损;圜钱圆形圆孔,起源于手工业经济工具的纺轮或璧环,主要流通于秦国魏国,战国中期以后,秦国首先采用方孔圆钱,后来齐国燕国也纷纷仿效铸造。圜钱上都有古篆文字,纪地、纪年、纪值或者兼有。圜钱以它独特的魅力和优越的使用便利性逐渐取代了其他形状的钱币,为秦始皇统一币制、为我国钱币形制确定为方孔圆形打下了基础;蚁鼻钱和郢爰(印子金)蚁鼻钱,又称鬼脸钱,是南方楚国的铸文铜币,形状呈不规则椭圆形,上面铸有阴刻铭文,有一种钱文好象蚂蚁爬在人的鼻梁上一样,故名蚁鼻钱;另一种好象丑陋的鬼面一样,故名鬼脸钱。以枚为单位计值,使用时较为便利。郢爰,黄金铸币,由于楚国境内盛产黄金,使楚国成为春秋战国时期唯一盛行黄金铸币的国家,现存最早的金币就是楚国的“郢爰”。“郢”乃是楚国国都(今湖北江陵),“爰”则是重量单位或楚国金币的专有名称。

    Our company has recently collected a set of "Warring States Seven Heroes Currency", which is in the shape of a cloth coin shovel. It evolved from the agricultural tools "Qian" and "Bo" in the agricultural economy, which is also why we call currency "Qian". 'Bu' is a borrowed word for 'Bo'. The circulation range of cloth coins is mainly in agricultural and economic regions in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, such as the state of Zhao, Wei, and Yan in South Korea. The shapes and types of cloth coins are various, and they are generally engraved with characters, including the number of years, place names, and coin names. Wang Mang once minted cloth coins during his retro reform. Until today, people still regard cloth coins as a symbol of Chinese coin culture. The emblem of the People's Bank of China is a "person" image composed of three golden cloth coins, and the emblem of the Agricultural Bank of China is also composed of cloth coins and wheat ears. The presence of cloth coins can also be seen in the watermark pattern of China's RMB; Knife shaped coins originated from economic tools such as fishing and hunting. Mainly circulating in the eastern vassal states of the Yellow River Basin, such as the state of Qi, the state of Yan, and the state of Zhao. The swords and coins of various countries vary in size and shape, with the swords and coins of Qi being the most ancient and exquisite. In the early days, knife coins were similar to sharpening knives. Later, some knife coins were cast with outer outlines, which not only looked beautiful but also enhanced the firmness of the coins, which could prevent the wear and tear of the coins; Circular coins with circular holes originated from the spinning wheel or ring of handicraft economic tools, mainly circulated in the Wei state of the Qin state. After the mid Warring States period, the Qin state first adopted square hole circular coins, and later the Yan state of Qi followed suit in casting. There are ancient seal script characters on the round coins, which can be used to record the land, year, value, or both. The round coin, with its unique charm and superior convenience in use, gradually replaced other shaped coins, laying the foundation for the unified currency system of Qin Shi Huang and the determination of the shape of our country's coins as square hole round; Ant Nose Coin and Ying Yuan (Yinzi Gold) Ant Nose Coin, also known as Ghost Face Coin, are copper coins from the southern state of Chu, with an irregular oval shape and engraved inscriptions. There is a type of coin that resembles ants crawling on the bridge of a person's nose, hence the name Ant Nose Coin; Another kind seems like an ugly ghost face, hence the name Ghost Face Money. Calculated in pieces, it is more convenient to use. Yingyuan, a country known for its abundant gold coinage, became the only country in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period where gold coinage was prevalent. The earliest surviving gold coin is the "Yingyuan" of Chu. Ying "is the capital of the state of Chu (now Jiangling, Hubei), while" Yuan "is a unit of weight or a proprietary name for Chu's gold coins.


    Among them, the most precious is the cloth coin, also known as the "three hole round foot cloth coin", which was a currency circulating in the Zhao region in the late Warring States period. As of now, there are few unearthed coins, so its collection value and historical relic value are very high. In 2010, the auction transaction price reached a high of 3.52 million yuan.


    Nowadays, many editions of the Warring States period coins have also become one of the popular ancient coin varieties in the collection circle. There are many editions, and many rare editions have been unearthed for thousands of years. Even fewer have preserved intact and good quality coins, so many editions are valuable without a market, making it difficult to find a single coin.


    Please contact Sichuan Zungu Auction Group Co., Ltd. for information related to this collection.


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