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  • 张善孖雄霸山川图精品推荐

    发布时间: 2024-03-27首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()





    Zhang Shanmai's portrayal of the fierce tiger not only embodies the majesty of the tiger, but also exudes a sense of warmth and a precise structure, highlighting the distinct characteristics of the South China tiger. The tiger portrayed by Zhang Shanmai was praised by Lin Yutang, who once said, "Every muscle, spine, shoulder, and paw has boundless energy, pure and realistic." Poet Yang Yunshi praised his tiger works in a poem: "When painting a tiger, first look at raising the tiger, Zhang's beard carries the slightest hint of emotion; when finishing, throw a pen and paper away, the moon is black, the wind is high, and the grass and trees are cold."

    In this picture, the fierce tiger strolls between the cliffs, rocks, trees, and grass, with a solemn and solemn expression that is inviolable. The body is adorned with black and yellow patterns, and there are several white hair spots on the chest, abdomen, and inner limbs. The thick black and yellow fur is like a large cotton robe, draped evenly over the shoulders. Thick limbs, streamlined posture during movement, muscular and muscular, full of infinite power. The claws protrude from the outside of the toes, the tail is thick and long, with black and white ring patterns, swaying slightly like a steel whip. The white mouth also has long whiskers, with a big mouth open, showing the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. The overall majesty is majestic, with straight and sharp whiskers, and its lips are smooth and clean. The most divine is its pair of hanging eyes. Although it is a majestic tiger eye, it also has a dazzling charm. Looking at it in the moonlight, only two brilliant pearls shine in people's eyes. It is truly a tiger eye with majestic emotions but hesitant, and the moon shadow is hazy and shining... Indeed... The King of Beasts. The strokes are classic everywhere, with even shades of ink and lifelike tiger expressions, showcasing the painter's superb craftsmanship and heroic spirit of sacrificing oneself for others!

    The phrase "Since animals have shown mercy towards human nature, it is worth laughing at the existence of animal behavior in the world" expresses Zhang Shanmai's love for tigers. Throughout his life, Zhang Shanmai was the most fond and skilled at drawing tigers, which is evident.

    On the front of this "Tiger Dominates Mountains and Rivers" is a colorful tiger, walking down from the top left to the bottom right, ready to take off. It is confident, majestic, and victorious, shaking the world with a loud roar, symbolizing the world: the Chinese nation is united against the enemy, fighting with blood! Reflect the majestic righteousness and heroic spirit!


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