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  • 精品推荐-------刘文西作品一组

    发布时间: 2023-03-18 16:40首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    Featured Works - A Group of Liu Wenxi's Works

    刘文西(1933年10月17日-2019年7月7日),出生于浙江省绍兴市嵊州市长乐镇水竹村,中国人物画泰斗,“浙派人物画”代表画家之一、黄土画派创始人、第五套人民币毛泽东画像的作者。1950年在上海进入陶行知先生创办的“育才学校”学习美术,1953年入浙江美术学院,受潘天寿等先生教导,1958年毕业后到西安美院工作。曾任全国文联委员、原中国美术家协会副主席、中国画艺委会委员,全国首批百位名师称号获得者。曾任黄土画派艺术研究院院长、中国当代画派联谊会主席、陕西省文艺界联合会顾问、陕西省美术家协会名誉主席、西安美术学院名誉院长、教授、博士研究生导师,第五套人民币毛泽东画像创作者、全国有突出贡献的专家。   主要作品有《毛主席和牧羊人》《陕北人》《东方》《解放区的天》和巨幅系列长卷《黄土人》等近百幅。2018年12月,当选中国美协第九届顾问。2019年7月7日13时50分左右,刘文西因病在西安交通大学第一附属医院去世,享年86岁。

    Liu Wenxi (October 17, 1933 - July 7, 2019), born in Shuizhu Village, Changle Town, Shengzhou City, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, is a leading figure painter in China. He is one of the representative painters of "Zhejiang Style Figure Painting", the founder of the Loess Painting School, and the author of the fifth set of RMB Mao Zedong portraits. In 1950, he entered the "Yucai School" founded by Mr. Tao Xingzhi in Shanghai to study fine arts. In 1953, he joined the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and was taught by Mr. Pan Tianshou. After graduating in 1958, he worked at the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. He once served as a member of the National Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the former Vice Chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, and a member of the Chinese Painting Arts Committee. He was one of the first batch of winners of the title of one hundred famous teachers in China. He has served as the Dean of the Loess Painting School Art Research Institute, the Chairman of the Chinese Contemporary Painting School Friendship Association, the Consultant of the Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Honorary Chairman of the Shaanxi Artists Association, the Honorary Dean, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, the creator of the fifth set of RMB Mao Zedong portraits, and an expert with outstanding contributions throughout the country. His main works include "Chairman Mao and the Shepherd", "People from Northern Shaanxi", "The East", "The Sky in the Liberated Areas", and a large series of long volumes, such as "The Yellow Man". In December 2018, he was elected as the ninth consultant of the China Artists Association. At around 13:50 on July 7, 2019, Liu Wenxi died of illness at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, aged 86.


    Liu Wenxi is a figure of the founding school of contemporary Chinese painting. His paintings represent the development direction of the realistic style of Chinese painting. His artistic spirit is the spirit of the Chinese nation's continuous self-improvement. He is a bright pearl in the history of modern Chinese art. Liu Wenxi's artistic tenet is: "Familiarize with people, be strict in modeling, speak in writing, and strive for creativity." He hopes that painters can improve their creations and produce high-quality works to inspire people with excellent works. In the frequent rise of various contemporary art trends, Liu Wenxi, with his family demeanor, shows a kind of steadfast bearing. He still reposes his artistic life on the loess land in northern Shaanxi, praising the people there as the soul of his works.


    In terms of character painting brush and ink skills, Liu Wenxi followed Li Keran's approach: use the maximum skill to hit in, and use the maximum courage to hit out. Taking the combination of form and spirit as his highest artistic goal, he pursued the artistic effect of "moving to wonderful" through image thinking. He combined the fine brushwork and heavy color of Chinese painting with freehand brushwork of ink and wash, absorbed the essence of sketch and color in western painting in modeling and added the fresh and healthy simple style in folk art to form his unique artistic style. The ease of expression allows painters to adopt different processing methods based on different objects. Liu Wenxi often used scorched ink to dry and wrinkle the image of an old farmer, dyed it with light ink to express the structure, and finally colored and polished it. The combination of color and ink was just right; Painting a girl's image is heavily dyed, which can express the fresh and rounded facial skin with a full color that does not reveal pen marks. In short, his figure paintings are very different from the "figures" of ordinary Chinese paintings, some of which express his admiration for outstanding figures, understanding and imagination of them; Some express their longing for justice, truth, truth, and light and happiness; Some eulogize the enthusiasm of workers in creating the world; There is a profound understanding and concern for life and society.


    Figure painting is difficult, but group portraits are even more difficult. Group portraits of characters can express the overall relationship like a novel or drama, forming an organic scene with a strong flavor of life, and not becoming an isolated patchwork of human figures. This is a more difficult artistic realm to achieve, and can never be achieved solely by relying on "skill". "It requires attention to the humanistic spirit, keen observation, excellent comprehension, and long-term hard work (repeated practice such as memorizing, memorizing, sketching, and sketching)."

    他的作品所展示的是一种西部画家粗犷语言的缜密风格如《黄土情》《老百姓》《陕北姑娘》《陕北小姑娘》《沟里人》 《话丰年》《祖孙四代》等,与传统文人画中表现失意落魄的封建文人与官僚士大夫消极、颓靡、乏味无聊的生活,形成了鲜明的对照。以表现黄土地人传统文化精神风骨为主题,他作品中的“黄土地文化”已经被彻底“中华民族精神化”了。由于他的艺术创造,使得黄土地成为中国人物画中一个永恒的艺术图腾,它不仅深深影响了20世纪下半叶的一批批画家,而且也深刻地影响着21世纪初的中国画坛。毋庸置疑,它还会继续影响未来的中国美术发展。刘文西工作室在中国当今画室林立的状况下有着特殊的历史意义。

    His works display a rigorous style of rough language by Western painters, such as "Loessial Feelings", "Common People", "Girls in Northern Shaanxi", "Little Girls in Northern Shaanxi", "Guli People", "Huafengnian", and "Four Generations of Grandparents", in sharp contrast to the negative, decadent, and boring lives of feudal literati and bureaucrats in traditional literati paintings that express frustration and downfall. With the theme of expressing the spiritual character of the traditional culture of the people of the Loess Plateau, the "culture of the Loess Plateau" in his works has been thoroughly "spiritualized by the Chinese nation.". Due to his artistic creation, Huangdi has become an eternal artistic totem in Chinese figure painting, which not only deeply influenced a group of painters in the second half of the 20th century, but also deeply influenced the Chinese painting world in the early 21st century. Undoubtedly, it will continue to affect the future development of Chinese art. Liu Wenxi's studio has a special historical significance in the current situation of numerous studios in China.


    Liu Wenxi's paintings in northern Shaanxi are mainly portrait paintings, with a strong flavor of life always a major feature of his portrait paintings. Painting a girl's image with heavy coloring can express the fresh and rounded facial skin with a full color that does not reveal pen marks. This work clearly shows the appearance and expression of the little girl on the chest, with vivid characters that appear vividly on the paper. There are both the lives of the objects being painted and the painter's unique, cordial, and vivid feelings.


    In contemporary Chinese art painting schools, we cannot but mention Liu Wenxi and the "Loess Painting School". The western artist group represented by Liu Wenxi has formed a strong creative team of "Loess Painting School" artists. In the history of Chinese art in the 20th century, Liu Wenxi and his "Loess Painting School" have a certain historical position. His painting style has influenced the creation of figure painting in the northwest region, as well as the creation of Chinese figure painting.


    The auction market prices of Liu Wenxi's calligraphy and paintings have shown a steady upward trend in recent years. In recent years, many works have been successfully shot. The above three works are representative works of Liu Wenxi and are on sale. Please consult with collectors.


    For information about this collection, please contact: Chengdu Xinggu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.


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