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  • 精品推荐 —— 乾隆孝粉碗

    发布时间: 2024-04-18首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    Recommended Boutique -- White marble bowl

    *本次藏品 乾隆孝粉碗

    典藏尺寸:口径:10.5cm 底径:5.5cm

    清代琢玉的规模、产量、种类,在中国古代玉雕史上是空前绝后的。其工艺水平集历代工艺之大成,掀起了中国古代最后一个造玉高潮,它艺术成就中最有代表性的便是“乾隆玉”。“乾隆玉器”之所以在各大拍场上屡创高价,有其独特历史环境的因素。乾隆时期政 治局面的稳定,国力昌盛,财富的空前积累为奢侈享受提供了充足条件,精美艺术品受到皇室贵族的垂爱。而我国从2000多年前就发现了汉白玉这么高洁素雅的原料,利用这种优质原料进行雕刻的艺术创作,也已经有2000多年的历史了。

    The scale, output and variety of jade in Qing Dynasty are unprecedented in the history of jade carving in ancient China. Its technological level sets the great achievements of the past dynasties, and sets off the last climax of jade making in ancient China. The most representative of its artistic achievements is "Qianlong jade". The reason why "Qianlong jade" has repeatedly reached high prices in major auction fields has its unique historical environment factors. During the Qianlong period, political stability, national prosperity and unprecedented accumulation of wealth provided sufficient conditions for luxury, and exquisite artworks were favored by the royal family and nobility. And our country from 2000 years ago found white jade so pure and elegant raw materials, the use of this high-quality raw materials for carving art creation, has been more than 2000 years of history.

    *本次藏品 乾隆孝粉碗

    典藏尺寸:口径:10.5cm 底径:5.5cm


    Recently, our company collected a Qianlong filial powder bowl, this collection is a selection of high-quality white jade carved, dignified and elegant, open, arc belly, flat bottom, low circle foot, good quality, matte surface, dark engraving wrapped branch pattern, there are natural calcification of the formation of white spots. The whole device is very transparent in the light, and has a jade light sense. The inner and outer walls are decorated with flower patterns, and the art essence and design concept highlight the essence of ancient wisdom, which is of great value in history, craft, art and collection.

    *本次藏品口径                    *本次藏品底款


    The bottom of the collection is engraved with "Qianlong year" four-character seal script, and someone mistakenly read it as "Qianlong filial powder", which is spread because of the popular name and easy to understand, and the process is very complex, even at the court at that time is a rare thing, with great collection value. The reason why the Qianlong jade ware of Qing Dynasty is popular in the market has historical roots, in various ancient jade, the quality of Qianlong jade is very high. During the Qianlong period, the Qing army used a large number of troops in the Western regions, reopened the Silk Road, and transported a large number of jade materials from Hetian, Xinjiang to the mainland, which promoted the rapid development of jade carving technology and craft in the mainland, and the Qianlong period also became the most prosperous era in the history of ancient jade in China.


    For information about the above collections, please contact: Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., Ltd.


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